
The Real Deal

  • 93% (285 Votes)

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45 min  •  1 October, 2020

Your fun-loving roommate, Nala Brooks stumbles upon your personal pocket pussy and your denial only makes her discovery that much sweeter. While Nala pokes fun at you and pokes deep inside this silicone hole, she gives you a choice. Her own sweet pussy is now on the table and you can finally do the fair and balanced taste test you've always wanted! Can you handle the real deal with Nala?

Comments (36)
3 years ago
Sure, Nala is beautiful, but doesn't she know I use a fleshlight? I was going to use one on this scene until she made fun of it. Now, I'm not. So Congrats! This scene can join "Erection Night" as one I'm never going to watch. 😒
3 years ago
This would be a great scene but the graininess is very distracting.
Thank you.
4 years ago
Y'all able to remaster this? Make it look clear like y'all do "charitable donations"

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